Category Business

OpenAI Adopts Preparedness Framework for AI Safety

OpenAI Adopts Preparedness Framework for AI Safety

OpenAI recently published a beta version of their Preparedness Framework for mitigating AI risks. The framework lists four risk categories and definitions of risk levels for each, as well as defining OpenAI’s safety governance procedures. The Preparedness Framework is part…

China Says Cracked Apple AirDrop to Identify Message Sources

China Says Cracked Apple AirDrop to Identify Message Sources

A Chinese state-backed institution has devised a way to identify users who send messages via Apple Inc.’s popular AirDrop feature, Beijing’s government claims, as part of broader efforts to root out undesirable content. The Beijing institute developed the technique to…

Shreya Rajpal on Guardrails for Large Language Models

Shreya Rajpal on Guardrails for Large Language Models

Subscribe on: Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts Soundcloud Spotify Overcast Podcast Feed Transcript Introduction Roland Meertens: Welcome everyone to The InfoQ Podcast. My name is Roland Meertens and I’m your host for today. I am interviewing…

OpenAI’s GPT Store to Launch this Week

OpenAI’s GPT Store to Launch this Week

GPTs generated a lot of enthusiasm when they were first introduced in November 2023. They are easy to create and do not require software coding knowledge. However, they have been restricted to ChatGPT Plus subscribers so far. That requirement led…

Spring Shell, Micronaut, JReleaser, JobRunr

Spring Shell, Micronaut, JReleaser, JobRunr

This week’s Java roundup for January 1st, 2024 features news highlighting: Spring Shell, Micronaut, JReleaser, JobRunr, Sharat Chander acknowledging the 2023 accomplishments from the Java Community, and 2023 highlights from the Apache Camel projects. JDK 23 Build 4 of the…