Category For Dev’s

What’s Your Story: Nicole Forsgren

What’s Your Story: Nicole Forsgren

GEHRKE: We’ve talked a little bit beforehand, but you’ve had this amazing career in tech. How did you actually … tell us a bit about how you grew up, and how did you end up in tech? NICOLE FORSGREN: Yeah,…

Machine learning for functional protein design

Machine learning for functional protein design

Lu, H. et al. Machine learning-aided engineering of hydrolases for PET depolymerization. Nature 604, 662–667 (2022). Article  ADS  CAS  PubMed  Google Scholar  Giessel, A. et al. Therapeutic enzyme engineering using a generative neural network. Sci. Rep. 12, 1536 (2022). Article …

How Dataherald Makes Natural Language to SQL Easy

How Dataherald Makes Natural Language to SQL Easy

Editor’s Note: we’re excited to feature this guest post from the Dataherald team. Text-to-SQL is a HUGE use case, and Dataherald is the open-source leader in the space. This is a great look behind the curtains to see what makes…

The Next Frontier in Object Detection in Computer Vision

The Next Frontier in Object Detection in Computer Vision

Bring this project to life Deci AI’s YOLO-NAS  has marked the advancement in the field of object detection with its cutting-edge foundational model. This model stands out as a result of sophisticated Neural Architecture Search technology, YOLO-NAS overcomes the gaps…