Category AI feed

Stay ahead of the curve with “AI Feed”, your one-stop shop for all things artificial intelligence. From groundbreaking research to the latest tech trends, we curate a dynamic stream of content to keep you informed and inspired.

How to Keep AI Trustworthy

Artificial intelligence may be the popular in the consumer, media, and even investment world. But among IT professionals and data center operators, trust in AI is falling. What can those creating AI applications and those deploying AI in the enterprise…

What’s (actually) up with o1

What’s (actually) up with o1

OpenAI’s latest model, o1, has been touted as a huge leap forward. But after around a week of hands-on use and conversations with others in the community, it’s clear that while o1 does some things better, it also stumbles hard—particularly…

IT professionals want stronger AI regulation

IT professionals want stronger AI regulation

A new survey from SolarWinds has unveiled a resounding call for increased government oversight of AI, with 88% of IT professionals advocating for stronger regulation. The study, which polled nearly 700 IT experts, highlights security as the paramount concern. An…

Apple Open-Sources Multimodal AI Model 4M-21

Apple Open-Sources Multimodal AI Model 4M-21

Researchers at Apple and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) have open-sourced 4M-21, a single any-to-any AI model that can handle 21 input and output modalities. 4M-21 performs well “out of the box” on several vision benchmarks and…

OpenAI o1 is not for everyone

OpenAI o1 is not for everyone

OpenAI’s O1 is the next-generation foundation model designed to push the boundaries of AI across various applications.The model offers enhanced capabilities in natural language understanding, generation, and reasoning with improvements in context comprehension, problem-solving, and multimodal inputs.  The model is…

Will AI Kill Journalism or Save It?

Will AI Kill Journalism or Save It?

This website uses Google Analytics to collect anonymous information such as the number of visitors to the site, and the most popular pages. Keeping this cookie enabled helps us to improve our website. Please enable Strictly Necessary Cookies first so…

Non-fiction books that explore AI’s impact on society 

Non-fiction books that explore AI’s impact on society 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is code or technologies that perform complex calculations, an area that encompasses simulations, data processing and analytics. AI has increasingly grown in importance, becoming a game changer in many industries, including healthcare, education and finance. The use…