Category AI feed

Stay ahead of the curve with “AI Feed”, your one-stop shop for all things artificial intelligence. From groundbreaking research to the latest tech trends, we curate a dynamic stream of content to keep you informed and inspired.

Image Classification using Swin Transformer

Image Classification using Swin Transformer

Swin Transformer by Microsoft researchers is a family of versatile transformer models adapted for vision tasks. They change the architectural approach compared to the original Vision Transformer model to get state-of-the-art results on various tasks. In this blog post, we…

1 in 3 people are lonely. Will AI help, or make things worse?

1 in 3 people are lonely. Will AI help, or make things worse?

ChatGPT has repeatedly made headlines since its release late last year, with various scholars and professionals exploring its potential applications in both work and education settings. However, one area receiving less attention is the tool’s usefulness as a conversationalist and…

Data Machina #235 – Data Machina

Data Machina #235 – Data Machina

RAG to AI Riches: How to improve your naive RAG app. OK, so you’ve been FAFOing with RAG PoCs and protos during six months… You’ve realised the hard way that your naive/ dumb RAG app won’t ever deliver the results…