

Synthetic Data: Big Data Industry Predictions for 2024

Synthetic Data: Big Data Industry Predictions for 2024

Our friends over at Mindtech have prepared a special set of compelling technology predictions for the year ahead surrounding the topic of synthetic data. The following Q&A style feature offers predictions from Steve Harris, CEO at Mindtech, the developer of the world’s…

Small Transformers Compute Universal Metric Embeddings

Small Transformers Compute Universal Metric Embeddings Anastasis Kratsios, Valentin Debarnot, Ivan Dokmanić; 24(170):1−48, 2023. Abstract We study representations of data from an arbitrary metric space $\mathcal{X}$ in the space of univariate Gaussian mixtures equipped with a transport metric (Delon and…

Eerily, AI Can Now Do Your KYC !

Eerily, AI Can Now Do Your KYC !

When Worldcoin 2.0 (proof of personhood) was released last month with advanced features, AIM predicted it to be the best thing that could possibly counter any form of future online fraud. In less than a month, the possibility of identity…